Vision and Purpose
I am always composing photographs. I don’t remember a time when that wasn’t the case. In idle periods of thought some people doodle and sketch, others hum a tune, some watch humanity with curiosity for amusement and others see the human condition and search for an analytic framework that ties it all together. I see pictures. I notice a texture, a contrast or juxtaposition, the elegance of a form or the dancing of light. I haven’t always made pictures but I have always seen them. There have been times in life when I have been able to carve out the time to make the pictures I have seen. There are times when the making stopped but the seeing never did. Over the past several years, the time and opportunity to make pictures has returned. Technical skills have adapted to the new digital image space. The encouragement, feedback and support from others have led me to believe it is time to share images I have seen and made. This site is the venue for that sharing.
Portrait by Jenny Pemberton
John Pemberton is a retired Marketing Scientist who’s vocation is now teaching Statistics, Economics and Marketing Research as a university lecturer. He is also a photographer. He has been fascinated by the power of cameras since the age of 10. Aside from a semester of photography as a junior in high school, he is self taught. His fascination began with a Kodak Instamatic. Technical skills developed and honed using a manual Petri 2.8 rangefinder. The fascination was rediscovered in the digital age with an Olympus PEN E-PL1.
As a photographer, he avoids classification into a specialty. Specific genre rotates with seasons and creative inspiration in a way that keeps the medium fresh and vibrant. Lessons learned in one genre leads to growth in others.
At present he does not make himself available for hire. 20 years of serving clients has led him to cherish the opportunity to create for his own sensibilities. Limited edition prints are available for the interested observer who finds relevance or aesthetic in the work. He welcomes questions as he seeks growth in learning to adapt his educational skills towards communicating his creative skills to an interested audience. Most of all, he hopes to eventually takes a picture that moves you.